The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the Department) proposes the repeal of 10 TAC Chapter 7, Subchapter C, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), §7.34 Continuing Awards and §7.36 General Threshold Criteria. The purpose of the repeals is to eliminate an outdated rule, while adopting a new updated rule under separate action.
The Department has analyzed this proposed rulemaking and the analysis is described below for each category of analysis performed.
1. Mr. Bobby Wilkinson, Executive Director, has determined that, for the first five years the proposed repeal would be in effect, the proposed repeal does not create or eliminate a government program, but relates to the repeal, and simultaneous readoption making changes to an existing activity, administration of the Department's Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program.
2. The proposed repeal does not require a change in work that would require the creation of new employee positions, nor is the proposed repeal significant enough to reduce workload to a degree that any existing employee positions are eliminated.
3. The proposed repeal does not require additional future legislative appropriations.
4. The proposed repeal does not result in an increase in fees paid to the Department, nor a decrease in fees paid to the Department.
5. The proposed repeal is not creating a new regulation, except that it is being replaced by a new rule simultaneously to provide for revisions.
6. The proposed action will repeal an existing regulation, but is associated with a simultaneous readoption making changes to an existing activity, the administration of the Department's Emergency Solutions Grant Program.
7. The proposed repeal will not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability.
8. The proposed repeal will not negatively or positively affect the state's economy.
The Department has evaluated this proposed repeal and determined that the proposed repeal will not create an economic effect on small or micro-businesses or rural communities.
c. TAKINGS IMPACT ASSESSMENT REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2007.043. The proposed repeal does not contemplate or authorize a taking by the Department; therefore, no Takings Impact Assessment is required.
The Department has evaluated the proposed repeal as to its possible effects on local economies and has determined that for the first five years the proposed repeal would be in effect there would be no economic effect on local employment; therefore, no local employment impact statement is required to be prepared for the rule.
e. PUBLIC BENEFIT/COST NOTE REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2001.024(a)(5). Mr. Wilkinson has determined that, for each year of the first five years the proposed repeal is in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of the repealed sections would be updated and more germane rules. There will not be economic costs to individuals required to comply with the repealed sections.
f. FISCAL NOTE REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2001.024(a)(4). Mr. Wilkinson also has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed repeal is in effect, enforcing or administering the repeal does not have any foreseeable implications related to costs or revenues of the state or local governments.
REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. The public comment period will be held February 21, 2025, to March 21, 2025, to receive input on the proposed repealed sections. Written comments may be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Attn: Rosy Falcon, Rule Comments, P.O. Box 13941, Austin, Texas 78711-3941 or email ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00 p.m., Central Time, March 21, 2025.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY. The proposed repeal is made pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2306.053, which authorizes the Department to adopt rules.
Except as described herein the proposed repealed sections affect no other code, article, or statute.
§7.34.Continuing Awards.
§7.36.General Threshold Criteria.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on February 6, 2025.
Bobby Wilkinson
Executive Director
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Earliest possible date of adoption: March 23, 2025
For further information, please call: (512) 475-3959
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the Department) proposes new Chapter 7, Subchapter C, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), §7.34 Continuing Awards and §7.36 General Threshold Criteria. The purpose of the proposed new sections is to take steps to better incentivize compliance with HUD's annual reporting requirements.
Tex. Gov't Code §2001.0045(b) does not apply to the rule proposed for action because it was determined that no costs are associated with this action, and therefore no costs warrant being offset.
The Department has analyzed this proposed rulemaking and the analysis is described below for each category of analysis performed.
Mr. Bobby Wilkinson, Executive Director, has determined that, for the first five years the proposed new rule would be in effect:
1. The proposed sections do not create or eliminate a government program, but relate to the readoption of this rule which makes changes to administration of the Department's Emergency Solutions Grants Program.
2. The proposed new sections do not require a change in work that would require the creation of new employee positions, nor are the rule changes significant enough to reduce work load to a degree that eliminates any existing employee positions.
3. The proposed new sections do not require additional future legislative appropriations.
4. The proposed new sections will not result in an increase in fees paid to the Department nor a decrease in fees paid to the Department.
5. The proposed new sections are not creating a new regulation, except that it is replacing a rule being repealed simultaneously to provide for revisions.
6. The proposed new sections will not expand or repeal an existing regulation.
7. The proposed new sections will not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability.
8. The proposed new sections will not negatively or positively affect the state's economy.
b. ADVERSE ECONOMIC IMPACT ON SMALL OR MICRO-BUSINESSES OR RURAL COMMUNITIES AND REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2006.002. The Department, in drafting these proposed new sections, has attempted to reduce any adverse economic effect on small or micro-business or rural communities while remaining consistent with the statutory requirements of Tex. Gov't Code §2306.111.
1. The Department has evaluated these proposed new sections and determined that none of the adverse effect strategies outlined in Tex. Gov't Code §2006.002(b) are applicable.
2. The Department has determined that because the proposed new sections serve to clarify and update existing requirements and do not establish new requirements for which there would be an associated cost, there will be no economic effect on small or micro-businesses or rural communities.
c. TAKINGS IMPACT ASSESSMENT REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2007.043. The proposed new sections do not contemplate or authorize a taking by the Department; therefore, no Takings Impact Assessment is required.
The Department has evaluated the proposed new sections as to their possible effects on local economies and has determined that for the first five years the rule will be in effect the proposed new sections have no economic effect on local employment because the rule serves to clarify and update existing requirements and does not establish new requirements or activities that may positively or negatively impact local economies.
Tex. Gov't Code §2001.022(a) states that this "impact statement must describe in detail the probable effect of the rule on employment in each geographic region affected by this rule" Considering that participation in the Department's Homeless Programs is at the discretion of the local government or other eligible subrecipients, there are no "probable" effects of the proposed new sections on particular geographic regions.
e. PUBLIC BENEFIT/COST NOTE REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2001.024(a)(5). Bobby Wilkinson, Executive Director, has determined that, for each year of the first five years the proposed new sections are in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of the rule will be a more germane rule that better aligns administration to federal and state requirements. There will not be any economic cost to any individuals required to comply with the new sections because the processes described by the rule have already been in place through the rule found at this section being repealed.
f. FISCAL NOTE REQUIRED BY TEX. GOV'T CODE §2001.024(a)(4). Mr. Wilkinson also has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed new sections are in effect, enforcing or administering the rule does not have any foreseeable implications related to costs or revenues of the state or local governments because the rule updates and clarifies existing requirements and does not impose new requirements.
REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. The public comment period will be held February 21, 2025, to March 21, 2025, to receive input on the proposed new sections. Written comments may be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Attn: Rosy Falcon, Rule Comments, P.O. Box 13941, Austin, Texas 78711-3941 or email ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00 p.m., Central Time, March 21, 2025.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY. The new sections are proposed pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2306.053, which authorizes the Department to adopt rules.
Except as described herein the proposed new sections affect no other code, article, or statute.
§7.34.Continuing Awards.
(a) TDHCA will withhold a portion of funds from the competition for funds to be used for continuing awards to prior Subrecipients of its ESG allocation, not including ESG CARES or Contracts for reallocated funds from prior years only, in accordance with §7.33 of this subchapter (related to Apportionment of ESG Funds).
(b) ESG funds withheld for continuing awards by the Department will be allocated in accordance with the Allocation Formula, and are not subject to the award process and requirements outlined in §7.38 of this subchapter (relating to Competitive Award and Funding Process).
(c) The subsequent years of allocation of ESG funds received by the Department will be offered to eligible Subrecipients of ESG funds (not including ESG CARES) that were awarded funds from at least three of the prior four allocations of ESG. An ESG Subrecipient is eligible for an offer of a continuing award of funds if the Subrecipient meets the following requirements:
(1) Submits an abbreviated Application for funding within 21 days of the request from the Department as promulgated by the Department;
(2) Resolves administrative deficiencies within the timeframe and in the manner outlined in §7.37 of this subchapter (relating to Application Review and Administrative Deficiency Process for Department NOFAs);
(3) Submitted two or fewer delinquent monthly reports for each of their active ESG Contracts or for the most recently closed ESG Contract if there are no active ESG Contracts, (not including ESG CARES) for reports due in the six-month period preceding the application submission deadline;
(4) Satisfies the requirements of the Previous Participation Review as provided for in §1.302 of this title (relating to Previous Participation Reviews for Department Program Awards Not Covered by §1.301 of this title);
(5) Does not have unresolved monitoring findings in any TDHCA funded program after the corrective action period;
(6) Does not have monitoring findings in any TDHCA funded program which resulted in disallowed costs in excess of $5,000;
(7) Does not apply for funds within the same COC Region under the competitive Application process for Program Participant service(s) in which they are already funded for a Continuing Award;
(8) Expended a minimum of 95% of their contracted award amount, as amended in their most recently closed ESG Contract (not including ESG CARES);
(9) Did not voluntarily deobligate an amount that exceeds 5% of their contracted award amount, as amended for increases due to reallocated funds, on their most recently closed ESG Contract (not including ESG CARES);
(10) Submitted the most recent yearly report information, as required in 10 TAC §7.5(h)(1), in SAGE by the deadline established by the Department for the report due in the period preceding the application submission deadline; and
(11) Is approved by the Department's Governing Board.
(d) Any offer of ESG funds made under this section is contingent on retaining similar terms and conditions or agreeing to adjustments reflective of funding amount, including but not limited to performance and match requirements, in the active ESG annual Contract issued under a NOFA.
(e) Offers of funding will be based on the prior year's award, excluding Contracts comprised exclusively of reallocated funds, before amendments, and will be proportionally increased or decreased in proportion to the total amount of ESG funds available subject to the allocation formula.
(f) If additional funds are made available due to reduced continuing awards in the region, awards may be increased proportionate to the increased withheld funds. In any event, an increased award from funds made available from reduced awards may not exceed 115% of the award amount under the allocation or the maximum award amount established in the NOFA.
(g) Funds that remain available after all eligible continuing awards have been accepted will be transferred to the competition for funds for the regional competition in accordance with §7.38 of this subchapter.
(h) Percentages identified in this section will not be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
§7.36.General Threshold Criteria.
(a) Applications submitted to the Department are subject to general threshold criteria. Applications which do not meet the general threshold criteria or which cannot resolve an administrative deficiency related to general threshold criteria are subject to termination. Applicants applying directly to the Department to administer the ESG Program must submit an Application on or before the deadlines specified in the NOFA, notification of a direct Subgrant, or notification of availability of a continuing award, and must include items in paragraphs (1) - (13) of this subsection:
(1) Application materials as published by the Department including, but not limited to, program description, budget, and performance statement.
(2) An ESG budget that does not exceed the total amount available within the CoC region, other geographic limitation, Subgrant, or offer of continuing award, as applicable.
(3) A copy of the Applicant's written standards that comply with the requirements of 24 CFR §576.400 and certification of compliance with these standards. Any occupancy standard set by the Subrecipient must not conflict with local regulations or Texas Property Code §92.010.
(4) A copy of the Applicant's policy for termination of assistance that complies with the requirements of 24 CFR §576.402 and certification of compliance with these standards.
(5) A Service Area which consists of at least the entirety of one county or multiple counties within the CoC region under which Application is made, unless a CoC region does not include an entire county. When the CoC region does not encompass at least the entirety of one county, the Service Area must encompass the entire CoC region. The Service Area selected within an Application must be fully contained within one CoC region.
(6) Commitment in the budget to the provision of 100% Match, or request for a Match waiver, as applicable. Match waivers will be considered by the Department based on the rank of the Application. Applicants requesting an award of funds in excess of the minimum award amount as described in the NOFA for Program Participant services are not eligible to request or receive a Match waiver. In the event that the Match waivers requested exceed $100,000, the waivers will be considered only for the highest scoring eligible Applications, subject to availability of excess Match provided by ESG Applicants. Applicants that do not receive the waiver and are unable to provide a source of Match will be ineligible for an ESG award.
(7) Applicant certification of compliance with State and federal laws, rules and guidance governing the ESG Program as provided in the Application.
(8) Evidence of a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number for Applicant.
(9) Documentation of existing Section 501(c) tax-exempt status, as applicable.
(10) Completed previous participation review materials, as outlined in Chapter 1, Subchapter C of this title (relating to Previous Participation), for Applicant.
(11) Local government approval per 24 CFR §576.202(a)(2) for an Applicant that will be providing shelter activities with ESG or as ESG Match, as applicable. This documentation must be submitted not later than 30 calendar days after the Application submission deadline as specified in the NOFA, or prior to execution of a Contract for Subrecipients subject to a direct Subgrant, or continuing award. Receipt of the local government approval is a condition prior to the Department obligating ESG funding.
(12) A resolution or other governing body action from the Applicant's direct governing body which includes:
(A) Authorization of the submission of the Application;
(B) Title of the person authorized to represent the entity and who also has signature authority to execute a Contract; and
(C) Date that the resolution was passed by the governing body, which must be not older than 12 months preceding the date the Application is submitted.
(13) Applicants with an ESG Contract(s) must have submitted the most recent yearly report information, as required in 10 TAC §7.5(h)(1), in SAGE by the deadline established by the Department for the report due in the period preceding the application submission deadline.
(b) An Application must be substantially complete when received by the Department. An Application may be terminated if the Application is so unclear or incomplete that a thorough review cannot reasonably be performed, as determined by the Department. Such Application will be terminated without being processed as an administrative deficiency. Specific reasons for a Department termination will be included in the notification sent to the Applicant but, because the termination may occur prior to completion of the full review, will not necessarily include a comprehensive list of all deficiencies in the Application. Termination of an Application may be subject to §1.7 of this title (relating to Appeals Process).
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on February 6, 2025.
Bobby Wilkinson
Executive Director
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Earliest possible date of adoption: March 23, 2025
For further information, please call: (512) 475-3959